The Most Important Fashion Decision You Will Ever Make

Are You Afraid Of Wearing Color

Are You Afraid Of Wearing Color?

Have you ever bought a great shirt or dress that fit you beautifully, but something still felt off and you couldn’t figure out why? It’s happened to most of us, and that wonderful piece you thought you’d wear all the time ends up languishing on the hanger in a corner of your closet. Or, sometimes when you get dressed, no matter what you do, how you put your makeup on or fix your hair, your look still feels “wrong.”

More often than not, color is the culprit!

Outdated Classifications

MyTwinkleColors is much more comprehensive and individualized than conventional methods.

Current consultations will use one of two traditional methods to determine your personal coloring palette:

Two Category Analysis: Vein Color

Blue Veins:  You have “cool” skin undertones
Green Veins: You have “warm” skin undertones

Four Category Analysis:  The Seasons

Determined by only two values, hue (warm vs. cool) and value (light vs. dark). You are then put into a seasonal “category” that is not customized or personalized specifically for you.




traditional classifications

The Future Of Fashion

A Modern Approach
Whether shopping online or in-store, our app’s AI technology will determine and authenticate your Twinkle Colors, then match them with apparel, cosmetic, and accessory colors at retailers globally.

MyTwinkleColors gives you peace of mind, intelligence and confidence.

  • A technique combined with a toolkit to help you instantly know what “your” colors are
  • Color Coding Classification Concept
  • An immersive experience that teaches you what colors make you look and feel your absolute best
  • A self-realization process that will allow you to finally feel like You
MyTwinkleColors Is The Future Of Fashion
Customized Color Fitting

Color Fitting

Make The Colors You Wear Work For You
If you want to get your look right, it is imperative to get your colors right. Be a master of the way you visually communicate with others on a daily basis. You will have a color-curated wardrobe and cosmetic drawer filled with items that compliment your personal coloring.

Your MyTwinkleColors experience will be empowering, intriguing, fun and not the least bit intimidating.

We will explore these components:

MTC Personalization


Fashion is all about individual characteristics and preferences

MTC Experience


Consumers deserve a shopping experience specific to who they are and what they want

Color Awakening

Bring To Light Your Most Authentic Self
Capture your signature look through the power of wearing your Twinkle Colors.
We want you to feel your most self-assured and sensational.

MyTwinkleColors is applicable for:




REDISCOVER who you used to be. REINVENT yourself completely. REFRESH your current look.

Color Awakening

Color Awakening

Bring To Light Your Most Authentic Self
Capture your signature look through the power of wearing your Twinkle Colors.
We want you to feel your most self-assured and sensational.

MyTwinkleColors is applicable for:




REDISCOVER who you used to be. REINVENT yourself completely. REFRESH your current look.

Knowledge & Navigation

Size And Style Are The Only Shopping Tools Stores Provide Today
MyTwinkleColors adds the one missing element: Color

We want to help you eliminate the uncertainty of shopping and make fashion less confusing. No more wasting time scrolling on your devices or wandering around malls and boutiques aimlessly trying to look for products and items that best suit you. You will now be able to enjoy a fun and effortless shopping experience that will abolish stress and anxiety.

Typically, only 20-25% of a store’s inventory is in your Twinkle Colors. Having this newfound awareness will completely eliminate the guessing game and save you from spending money on color selections that don’t work for you.

Shop with purpose!

Knowledge & Navigation

Size And Style Are The Only Shopping Tools Stores Provide Today
MyTwinkleColors adds the one missing element: Color

We want to help you eliminate the uncertainty of shopping and make fashion less confusing. No more wasting time scrolling on your devices or wandering around malls and boutiques aimlessly trying to look for products and items that best suit you. You will now be able to enjoy a fun and effortless shopping experience that will abolish stress and anxiety.

Typically, only 20-25% of a store’s inventory is in your Twinkle Colors. Having this newfound awareness will completely eliminate the guessing game and save you from spending money on color selections that don’t work for you.

Shop with purpose!

Knowledge & Navigation

Invigorate & Delight

There is a definite connection between how we dress and how we feel about ourselves. Beauty is a personal vibration, an energy you cannot always explain. MyTwinkleColors has merged this energy and emotion with a proprietary analytical approach so customers can feel personally aligned.

Invigorate & Delight

An Innovative Color Search, Discovery And Authentication Platform That Utilizes AI And Data Science To Offer Consumers A Hyper-Personalized Shopping Experience


You have changed my entire shopping experience. So many women such as myself aren’t wearing colors that flatter them. However, since my Twinkle experience I’m able to build a beautiful wardrobe that compliments ME~ Thank You!!

Julie L

Holy cow color guru! OMG!! I just cleaned out my closet here and threw away or rather am giving away bags and bags of gray and black and light colors and stupid stuff. I think I just moved to gray and black as the scale started to climb. Hmmmmm. Now there are two ways to attack this problem….stop eating for crying out loud or….buy my Twinkle Colors! Thank you again for the eye-opening experience. I enjoyed every minute!

Mary G

When you know what your Twinkle Colors are, you finally know who you are.

Carly V

Since being “Twinkled” I have opened myself up to colors I would have never thought of wearing.

Dianna G

Twinkle has truly changed my life. I no longer live in black on black. I embrace my Twinkle Colors and how much more alive I look makes me happy. I find myself smiling more when I wear my Twinkle Colors.

Lisa B

It can be overwhelming to read magazines or blogs about color theory and walk away not really understanding what you read. The MyTwinkleColors kit ensures you know exactly what colors look great on you – your Twinkle Colors. The experience gives you the tools, knowledge and confidence to find colors that work best for you. I can’t recommend MyTwinkleColors enough!

Rachel T

I am a redhead with blue eyes and pale skin and finding shades that actually compliment my hair can be really tricky sometimes. After my personalized Twinkle experience, I was so captured by how much impact the colors that complimented my skin tone, hair and eyes had on me! It’s the best-kept secret every woman (and man) should have to look your best!

Devin S

An eye opening experience in discovering something about myself that I’d never explored before. Helped me develop an understanding of color and how it can be used to enhance my appearance.

Sandra G

It was such a beneficial experience for me. Using one adjective I would describe it as enlightening. I think more people need to undergo the experience of learning your Twinkle Colors because it’s so important.

Mel N

Before this experience, if I liked the style and cut of the clothing, color was rarely a concern.  After this experience, I can specifically say which colors, shades, and tones bring out certain features such as my hair and eye colors.  In addition, I know the colors that not only make me look good but make me feel good.  I can now look at my closet and see what I’m missing and also walk into a store and say, I like the style and cut, but now, I love the color.

Julianna W

When doing my Twinkle Colors, I felt this sense of relaxation along with feeling excited. The whole process was amazing. Now I understand why blues look good on me, because of my blue undertone in my hair!

Nicholas B

I absolutely adored my experience with MyTwinkleColors! It was not only an exciting process to go through but one that was well worth my time. Clothing shopping now feels manageable knowing which colors look best on me, where before it felt like there was an endless number of options.

Kylie K

All of my life I’ve been told that I have warm undertones, so I was super surprised to find that I am actually “cool.” I love how this is applicable for clothing choices but also makeup and accessory choices. MyTwinkleColors provides styling guidance for those who aren’t super fashion-oriented and also for those that are. It was really satisfying to be able to see what colors are most compatible with my cool, high contrast, and I think that so many people could benefit from this unique experience.

Erikah C

I’ve done other things like this, but they don’t compare. The best part for me about MyTwinkleColors is the emotional piece that comes with figuring out your colors. Holding up the colors to see how they make you feel was a different piece I never would have thought of and for me it was game-changing. Why wear a color that you do not have an emotional connection to because it might not make you feel the way you want. It is such a confidence booster.

Sammie G

When I learned MyTwinkleColors color theory and the many different shades and hues of any one color and how it can or cannot compliment one’s appearance, it opened up a whole new world to me. It was like “Lights on!!”

Renee B

I lost myself after some personal losses. I stopped putting thought into what I was wearing. Then I had a wonderful Twinkle experience!! It was so much fun to see the beautiful colors and identify the ones that complimented me. Can’t wait to build my wardrobe! It’s like coming alive again!!

Valerie B

Once you know your Twinkle Colors, shopping is not scary, it is empowering. You can become your best you. It changes your whole outlook when you know you look your best!

Teresa E

This Is For You

MyTwinkleColors has a vast reach and a global footprint.

All Life Stages
Whether you’re retired or a stay-at-home mom; a tween, teen, or heading off to college; getting ready for your first day in a new office, a home-based entrepreneur, or a corporate executive, your closet should inspire you to Twinkle.

Your fashion preference can be classic, sporty, trendy, conservative, casual, chic, Boho, or beyond. Your Twinkle Colors will apply to every style that suits you, for every occasion.

Infinite Demographics
It doesn’t matter what language you speak, what continent you live on, or what ethnic backgrounds make up unique and beautiful you. Because color speaks to everyone, we all have the opportunity to express ourselves through wearing our Twinkle Colors.

Budget Is Irrelevant
Whether your shopping vibe is online, traditional brick-and-mortar, resale, rental, or vintage at your local thrift store, your ability to Twinkle won’t be derailed by a price tag. Knowing your Twinkle Colors will transform your wardrobe on any budget.

This is for you
This is for you

This Is For You

MyTwinkleColors has a vast reach and a global footprint.

All Life Stages
Whether you’re retired or a stay-at-home mom; a tween, teen, or heading off to college; getting ready for your first day in a new office, a home-based entrepreneur, or a corporate executive, your closet should inspire you to Twinkle.

Your fashion preference can be classic, sporty, trendy, conservative, casual, chic, Boho, or beyond. Your Twinkle Colors will apply to every style that suits you, for every occasion.

Infinite Demographics
It doesn’t matter what language you speak, what continent you live on, or what ethnic backgrounds make up unique and beautiful you. Because color speaks to everyone, we all have the opportunity to express ourselves through wearing our Twinkle Colors.

Budget Is Irrelevant
Whether your shopping vibe is online, traditional brick-and-mortar, resale, rental, or vintage at your local thrift store, your ability to Twinkle won’t be derailed by a price tag. Knowing your Twinkle Colors will transform your wardrobe on any budget.

Start your color journey

Start Your Color Journey

You are a star.
You deserve to Twinkle.
Your search for personal authenticity begins now.

You are a star.
You deserve to Twinkle.
Your search for personal authenticity begins now.